Cartoonish supervillainy quote
Cartoonish supervillainy quote

That every villain is the hero of his own story.

  • Happens frequently in the Sherlock Holmes stories.īruce Wayne: In my years fighting crime, I've learned one truth.
  • An old girlfriend said that Bob wanted her to shower both before and after sex. Jack himself noticed how Bob was a Neat Freak. Apparently when he was a boy, his father would cuff him to the towel bar in the shower if Bob wet the bed. Afterwards the FBI tries to figure out what was going on with Bob Backus.

    Cartoonish supervillainy quote serial#

    The Poet: The Detective Mole ending has Bob Backus, the agent in charge of the FBI task force hunting a serial killer, actually be the serial killer.The Magicians: Jane Chatwin explains to Quentin how the Beast became a supernatural monster: Martin Chatwin gave up his humanity in exchange for power and the opportunity to stay in Fillory because he was the target of a sexual predator on Earth.

    cartoonish supervillainy quote

    Examples include Cards on the Table and At Bertram's Hotel.

  • Occasionally subverted, when it is revealed that the main villain is actually present in the room, and is not the person who just got taken into custody, died, or played along with the detective so to catch the true culprit off guard.
  • This usually happens following a Wham Line, a surprise arrest, or another very sudden and as yet unexplained reveal of the villain.
  • Also a recurring feature in the work of Agatha Christie as an alternative to a Summation Gathering, with villain exposés delivered by Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple or another detective to an assembled group of people after, not before, the villain has been identified and taken into custody, committed suicide, or been killed.
  • In Another Note, Mello does this for Beyond Birthday, saying he could understand why B did what he did.
  • cartoonish supervillainy quote

    Compare Kirk Summation, which is addressed to the actual villain.

    cartoonish supervillainy quote

    Named for the after-action reports filed by military officials following a combat engagement, also used for post-game play-by-play analysis of sporting events not directly related to After-Action Report as a form of fan literature. Note that this is not a Motive Rant the tone of the conversation will be very calm and gentle despite the subject matter, as indicated by many of the examples. An alternative title for this, "explaining the villain explains the conflict," refers to the notion that explaining what happened makes the actions of the villain's enemy or former rival more understandable. This is when either an enemy of a major villain, or maybe a minion who turned against them, explains to others the nature of their conflict, typically when the villain is not around, likely after the villain has either been defeated (that is, during The Summation) or is at least temporarily out of power.

    Cartoonish supervillainy quote